IBC Relayer for Idep

2. Install Relayer

git clone https://github.com/cosmos/relayer.git && cd relayer 
git checkout v0.9.3
make install

3. Initiate the Relayer

rly config init

4. Configure the package in the config folder

cd ~/.relayer/config

4.1 Create the Idep_config.Json file

nano idep_config.json
"chain-id": "SanfordNetwork",
"rpc-addr": "",
"account-prefix": "idep",
"gas-adjustment": 1.5,
"gas-prices": "0.005idep",
"trusting-period": "38h",
"key":"<Replace you wallet name>"

4.2 Create the autonomy.json file

nano autonomy.json
  "chain-id": "autonomy",
  "rpc-addr": "",
  "account-prefix": "autonomy",
  "gas-adjustment": 1.5,
  "gas-prices": "1aut",
  "trusting-period": "58h",
  "key": "<Update the Any Name>"

5. Configure both the chains & check the chains list

rly chains add -f idep_config.json
rly chains add -f autonomy.json
rly chains list

6. Import the wallet to the relayer

NOTE: Replace the "Key" name and Mnemonics, you can use the mnemonics as same as your idep wallet.

rly keys restore SanfordNetwork [Enter the key name entered in the config.json] "[You can use the Sanford Wallet Mnemonics]"
rly keys restore autonomy [Enter the key name entered in the config.json] "[You can use the Sanford Wallet Mnemonics]"

7. Check the chains list

rly keys list SanfordNetwork  
rly keys list autonomy

8. Check the Balance & also check the chains list.

rly q balance SanfordNetwork "Key or SanfordNetwork_wallet_name"  
rly q balance autonomy "Key or autonomy_wallet_name"
rly chains list

9. Fund the Autonomy chain address

NOTE: You can find the autonomy_address using rly keys list autonomy

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json"   --request POST   --data '{"denom":"aut","address":"<Autonomy_address>"}'

10. Initiate the light Chain clients

NOTE: After initiate the light clients you can notice the TICK mark, which confirms the Light Clients Initiated Success

rly light init SanfordNetwork -f  
rly light init autonomy -f
rly chains list

11. Create the path generation for both the chains.

cd ~/.relayer/config && mkdir ibc_path 
cd ibc_path && pwd
rly paths gen SanfordNetwork autonomy /home/<user>/.relayer/config/ibc_path

12. Check the path list to which path you have configured:

rly paths list

13. Link both the chains

rly tx link /home/<user>/.relayer/config/ibc_path -d

14. Open tmux or screen and start the relayer in background.

rly start /home/<user>/.relayer/config/ibc_path

15. Now Start the IBC Transfer from SanfordNetwork chain to autonomy chain.

NOTE: You will get the hash and check the HASH in IDEP Explorer

rly tx  xfer SanfordNetwork autonomy 1idep [Autonomy_wallet_address] --path /home/<user>/.relayer/config/ibc_path  -d

16. Also Start the IBC Transfer from autonomy chain to SanfordNetwork chain.

NOTE: You can check the Hash in Autonomy Explorer.

rly tx xfer autonomy SanfordNetwork 1aut [Idep_wallet_address]  --path /home/<user>/.relayer/config/ibc_path -d

Anything facing issues in relayer, just ping us by tagging as @Srinivasan#2100.

Last updated