NFT Module Task

Create a denom with 10 Unique NFT collections

Create a denom for our NFTs

NOTE: <demonid> and <demon-name> must be same and <demonid> should be small letter with none is special characters

iond tx uptake issue <denomid> --from=<key-name> --name=<demon-name> --symbol=<denom-symbol> --mint-restricted=1 --update-restricted=1 --chain-id=SanfordNetwork

Once executed you will get a Transaction Hash Kindly make a note

Afterwards we mint our ten NFTs into the created denom:

iond tx uptake mint <denom-id> <nft-id> --uri=<uri> --recipient=<wallet_address> --from=<wallet-name> --chain-id=SanfordNetwork
  1. <demonid> => use your demonid as you given in the previous step

  2. <nft-id> => This property will differ based on the each step like eg) hello1, hello2

  3. <uri> => You will get URI by uploading the JPEG images in the Website.

  4. <Wallet_address => your wallet address

  5. <Wallet_name> => Key name of your wallet.

By uploading the 10 images you will get 10 Transaction hashes

You can check the NFT Collection using

iond q uptake collection <demonid>

Finally you need to upload the 10 Transaction Hashes in this FORM.

Last updated